BLWC Newsletter

Welcome to June 2024.


June is for Gemini and its dualist being or twins. (As with all months, the first is part is 1 sign and the second part of the month is another sign. Gemini shares June with Cancer. I only like to speak about the astrological sign that the month begins in.)


Gemini can be seen as 2 faced or a flip flopper, but this is only due to it's dualist nature. Guiding change and transformation, this air sign has new ideas and projects to start, very busy and comunicative. This sign can talk about everything and is very social. 


You don't have to be a Gemini to take advantage of changing and transforming this June. What new ideas do you have or what new project will you begin. 


Remember to keep balanced and well. 

June 20th is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. This is the celebration of midsummer. Rolling burning wheels of fire into lakes of water to represent the balance of fire and water. 


Understanding the balance of fire and water is necessary. We all need fire and water but too much or little of one or the other and we are too dry and hot or too wet and cold. Traditional Chinese Medicine understands these elements and works towards keeping them and other elements balanced in our bodies. Everyone's body is different and may need a different amount of each element to balance itself out.


Do you know what your body's balance point is between the 2 elements. Fire is composed of our energy - Qi and life force - jing. The Qi runs through our Meridians. Our jing is what we are born with around the kidneys which is interesting because the kidneys are also water. The kidneys need to be balanced also between fire and water. 


Remember this hot summer to keep yourself balance between fire and water. 


I Shave participated in many May Pole Dances and they are a great celebration with food and the drums 


Summer is here and outside nature is growing, alive, and thriving. Time to commune with nature. Camping, hiking, fishing, daytrips, roadtrips, and more. Get active and spend some time in nature and listen to the sounds, smell the scents, touch the objects, and sense the energy and flow around you.