BLWC Newsletter

Welcome to March 2024

March is Pisces, a water sign and the planet is Neptune. Pisces are empathic, spiritual, and often go with the flow. They can be introverts and dream, have visions, and be creatives. Like the salmon, they will get down to business and go against the stream in the need to help.


Spring is almost here, time to plant and gear up for the outside life. The Northern Hemisphere is opening up and the Southern is beginning to wind down summer into fall. It is interesting to think about the Southern Hemisphere and how they are opposite of the Northern in seasons. There are other differences such as the flow of water down the drain. 


When we think of the world, do we think of these difference between the North and South, the difference of the growing seasons. Are there any other differences you can name.

"Men that love wisdom must be acquainted with very many things indeed", this saying by Heraclitus says much. How does wisdom come about, what is wisdom. 


For your growth this spring, read this article and watch the video. Exploring Insights: What is Wisdom in Philosophy and Its Impact on Daily Life - Brilliantio  Add knowledge and wisdom to your toolbox this season. BLWC's The Source Training has this goal. Check out the Program to see if it interests you. 

Did you get those indoor seeds planted yet, if not, now is the time to do so. Tomatos take the longest to grow, get them in the dirt. There is something about interacting with the dirt, the earth.


Everything is beginning to wake and the Light is returning after its rejuvenating slumber on the other side of the Hemisphere, so was it really slumbering ...


For the Northern Hemisphere, we are full of new energy and ideas. What will you do this spring, where will your plans take you, How will you execute your plan, When will you act, and most important - Why?


We should understand 'Why' we think, say, and do things, is it due to addiction, routine, or fear. Addiction is - I can't stop and I need it over all else. Routine is - it's the way I've always done it. Fear is - risk of the unknown or False Expectations Appearing Real. All of these reasons have created a physical pathway in our brains, neural network connections. And when certain situations come about, our neural network takes us down the same pathway every time because it has been re-enforced over time.  The question now is, who or what is making decisions - you, the conscious you, the Spirit/Soul you or your physcial functioning brain. Is a change needed and how? 

Research has shown that our neural networks can atrophied and we can grow new paths. Your soul/spirit is definitely needed to make these kind of physical changes. Being in the moment, conscious, and taking full responsibility for your thoughts, words, and deeds. 


There are many tools for you to use to assist in a major change in your life. Yoga - both physical and philosophical, Qi Gong practice, Tapping, Frequency Sessions, Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy, and many more. 


There is always an option to the 'How'. This spring is the time to move with the seasons, take advantage of the flow, and make the change.


Wellness through Balance...