The Akashic Records in the Hall of Records: A Summary of my Experience
Beginning with the sanskrit word akasha and roots and variations and you soon understand that this one word has a whole ideology/cosmology behind it. The word means space, limited - the boundaries of matter, and endless - purely conceptual, unobstructed or empty space, completeness, whole, and the first element. Meditations on the primary elements is discussed to obtain understanding of ourselves and the Universe in physics terminology of space and time, matter, energy, motion, and souls. In metaphysical terms, the records contain every single conscious entities every moment, every life, everything.
My first remembered thoughts of being young were, "why am I here, where am I, and how does this place work". I knew I was from another place, that place was humanistic, futuristic, and ordered. I did not understand this world, how people behaved, what they were doing. This world seemed backwards to me. I now think I was remembering a life in Lemuria.
As time went on, I would have dreams that were more like living other lives. Every night it was another life. Sometime I would continue with a life and pick up where I last left off. I would somehow consciously wake up in the dream and know that I had been in this life prior and I would continue living it with the past memories all while dreaming in this life. I have lived in the Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole my whole life on Earth.
I found myself in the Hall of Records one night. I was out in a hallway where many people or entities were standing and talking. I walked through the large rectangle opening and entered into a large open room with a 30 foot plus ceiling. The room was the size of a large convention center. It was full of people everywhere, some were in small groups talking, some were by themselves standing on platforms watching something. I walked around and no one paid any attention to me. The loudness of the conversations happening were very loud. I am not sure if I actually heard it with my ears or in my mind.
The room was all white and semi reflective, very futuristic. It was a hard plastic like material on the floor, walls, and sectional units which filled the room. I walked up to one of these units and stepped on the platform and I saw a desert type landscape appear on the wall. Then I entered into that landscape through my eyes. I was another body, gender, person, in a different location, and explored around.
I understood this place being the Hall of Records where all conscious entities can re-enter past lives. I never wanted to know about my past lives. My thinking was, it's in the past, I cannot change it, why even bother. My understanding now, is it is to help remember who we really are and what our life purpose/path is from lifetime to lifetime. I am here to bring the message out in the open that we are eternal essences of Source and we exist to experience for Source. We are in a paradigm change from a lower vibration to a higher vibration. With the higher vibration comes new knowledge, abilities, possibilities for all.