Bamboo n Lotus Wellness Consulting

Philosophical Consulting

Philosophical Consulting is a service which provides the Socratic Method of dialogue of logical questions and answers between individuals to dig deeper into any topic, decision, or question you may be pondering. 


  • Have you had an experience, dream, or message from someone that you don't understand. Come discuss it. 

  • Need to make a decision.

  • Need a sounding board to listen.

  • Need a different perspective. 

  • Need to explain a topic to someone and not sure how.

  • Need to learn how to argue constructively. 

  • Do you have an ethical issue. 


Tactical and Strategic Roadmaps for your life are also available under this service. 

  • Need an annual (tactical) life plan.

  • Need a 5 year (strategic) plan. 

  • Need a full life plan.



Have questions about this service, send an email through Contact Us. 



Fees: $50 per person online only per session* 


 *While it is not always necessary to have multiple sessions per topic, complex issues and Life Roadmaps can take multiple sessions to complete. 



for larger groups and events, please email