BLWC Newsletter

Welcome to April 2024


April is an Aries sign, a fire sign and the planet is Mars. Aries are strong willed, creative, decisive, and passionate. If you are a serious Aries, try to have some fun and let go this month. If you are jokester Aries, try to have a little seriouness about life. 


Water to revive life on the planet, too much and there is flooding, not enough and life struggles to grow and the fire risk is higher. All of life needs water. What do you know about the element(s) of water. Find out this month what is water chemically, water can be a solid, liquid, and gas. How does water make you feel when your are in it and when you drink it. What does your intuition say about water. 


Enjoy April!

Supposedly we are suppose to receive a lot of rain in April to bring in the May flowers, but my part of the world hasn't had too much rainfall. I see other places have had too much rain and wind. 


Continuing the "all in balance" theme, there are some things that are out of our control like the weather. Maybe Darpa has weather control and is causing the weather to happen, maybe global warming is causing it, I do not know. What I do know is that every human on planet earth is responsible for their thoughts, words, and deeds. So if you are an employee of Darpa causing the weather maybe its time to really understand your responsibility, are you causing harm to life on the planet, if so why? For the rest of us not employed by any agency owning  weather causing technology, all we can do is to be responsible for ourselves and our choices in chemicals we use, how much and what transportation we drive, what foods and products we use, what corporations and politicians we support. 


We should not be looking for perfection, just balance. Keeping our bodies in balance, keeping our families in balance, keeping our homes in balance, keeping our life's in balance. What balance means to one person will not be the same for another, we are different. 


Here is hoping that some of those flood rains move over to my area and give relief to the areas they are overly abundant in now. 

Did you get those indoor seeds planted yet, if not, now is the time to do so. 


The grass is growing, flowers on trees are budding, the bees are buzzing - nature's life is wakening. 


Time to get outside and soak up some sun. The sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D. The sun activates the cones and rods in our eyes and pineal gland. Just like everything in life, using the sun in a balanced manner promotes wellness, too much and we are in dis-ease. 


Balance in life is important. Anything done too excess will cause harm; drinking too much, driving too much, exerising too much, eating too much, and on and on. Understanding what the right amount of something to give you optimal wellness is your mission to discover. Everyone's tolerances are different. Just because person A can tolerate item A a lot, doesn't mean person B can do the same, stop comparing yourself to others, life is not a competition. Sports and games can be competitions, but not your life, wellness, or happiness. 


See yourself as the unique person you are and figure yourself out; what do you like, do not like, what can your body take internal and externally, what can it not take, what feels good what does not. What do you feel and I don't mean emotionally, but what does your intuition, your gut say about something, listen to hear it speak. 


Wellness through Balance...