Knowledge Clinic 

Purple lotus flower with spark of white light coming out of it with 2 green bamboo sticks behind
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Flush the Fluoride
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Dr. Bryan Ardis
2024-10-21 17:52 Must see interview
Social Media & Consciousness Traps
2024-05-10 13:48 Social media is a Consciousness trap.
The Akashic Records
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The Year of the Wood Snake

"The Year of the Dragon asked us to evolve, let go of old patterns, and grow up. In the Year of the Snake, we enter adulthood and thrive with the strength to accomplish our goals. This year offers incredible power and wisdom." – CT Holman


As we approach the beginning of the Snake Year, this transition offers incredible power and wisdom. It is a time to harmonise our energy, connect with the environment, and celebrate life.


"The snake represents reaching the ripe age of young adulthood with all its powerful energy."



Heavenly Stem 乙 Yi (Yin Wood) and the Earthly Branch 巳 Si (Yin Fire - Snake) shaping the year’s energy.


Wood nourishes Fire, which can lead to an excess of heat in the body and manifest as  overactive Shen.